Sunday, 14 June 2015

Trending Materials 2015

To follow on from my previous blog post, I spoke only a little about whats relevant material wise in interior design 2015. I must say that most of the trending materials coming up in interiors, really do stem from the fashion world. I feel that Fashion truly dictates trends in all creative areas.
One day we see Rihanna wearing a white mesh paneled dress, and the next day you’ll see white mesh accents on buildings, in stores, restaurants... you name it.  Mesh also doubles up as a practical hanging solution for instance in retail display.


I always look to fashion for interior design ideas. It makes complete sense if you think about it. We has humans match our surroundings, we incorporate our image with the places we go to, where we hang out and what we do.The mesh look doesn’t stop there, we’ve also seen a lot of the grid pattern popping up around the place. This is evolved all mesh patterns, whether its perforated metals, or a tiling layout, if you look close enough you’ll see it everywhere.


Whats also trending up there with mesh, grids and white is the incorporation of cheap woods like OSB sheething/chipboard and our old trusty plywood. Currently I feel that lightwood plywood is turning over a new leaf. One of the cheapest materials around, which makes it possible for all of us to enjoy!  Plywood is being used everywhere. Corporate settings, trendy coffee shops and plently of pop up stores have subscribed to the new look. It really adds to the nude feel a lot of us fashion trenders will relate to. White on white on grey on baise. Very Swedish inspired if you ask me. 

It’s not just plywood cladding or shopfitting, it’s the use of old crates and of course the most popular trend atm, the re-purposed pallet. Using junk truly is inspiring, it makes you feel better about your environment and it helps you save a buck or two.

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